Prison Reform
INVEST is a program launched by LA County Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS) and Probation Department, in collaboration with the County Office of Diversion and Re-Entry (ODR), to create employment opportunities for Adult Probationers in L.A. County. The program coordinates Probation supervision programs with the WDACS' workforce development system to provide training and support that will help Probationers enter into the workforce on a meaningful career path.
Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS) and County of Los Angeles Probation Department (Probation), in collaboration with the County Office of Diversion and Re-Entry (ODR) and the California Employment Development Department (EDD), have launched the INVEST program to create employment opportunities for Adult Probationers in L.A. County. This program coordinates Probation supervision programs with the WDACS’ workforce development system to provide training and support that will help Probationers enter into the workforce on a meaningful career path.
To maximize the opportunity for collaborative case management and to enhance cohesion between both agencies, Deputy Probation Officers (DPOs) are co-located at five comprehensive L.A. County America’s Job Centers of California (AJCCs). These INVEST DPOs, AJCC INVEST Career Development Specialists and AJCC INVEST Business Services Representatives are trained in an evidence-based training program created by the National Institute of Corrections to become Offender Workforce Development Specialists (OWDS). This program has equipped staff from both departments with the tools necessary to help facilitate the employment of those reentering the community from a background with involvement in the justice system.
Services for those enrolled in the INVEST Program include, but are not limited to the following:
Basic or Individualized Career Services
Training Services
Follow-up and Retention Services
Supportive Services
Business and Employer Services
Antelope Valley Comprehensive AJCC
Palmdale AJCC (Affiliate to Antelope Valley Comprehensive AJCC)
East Los Angeles/West San Gabriel Valley Comprehensive AJCC
Northeast San Fernando Valley AJCC
Rio Hondo Comprehensive AJCC
Rancho Dominguez Comprehensive AJCC
South Los Angeles AJCC